3 Day Quote Challenge #2 – Day 1

Thank you Akhila for nominating me for the quote challenge. I hope I can live up to your expectations. 


1. 3 quotes in 3 days
2. Thank the person who nominates you
3. Nominate 3 blogs each day of the 3 days to participate in the challenge

Here’s the quote of Day 1:

When people start criticising you, your heart beats the Order of Peace to support your mind to prove them wrong.

— Yashika

1. Akki from BlogBuster
2. Rob from The V-pub
3. Capt. Piyush Kacha from An Aviator’s Blog!

All the best, my friends!


    1. Yup! You’ve got to post a quote 3 days in a row. Every day, you need to nominate 3 more bloggers who will carry on this chain. And, you have to extend your gratitude to the person who nominated you. That’s it!. 😊

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