Blog Tour Award – My fourth award as a blogger!

I have been blessed with the Blog Tour Award by Kavita from Musings On Life. I thank her from the bottom of my heart for this unique and prestigious award.


There are a few rules here :
1. Pass the tour on up to four other bloggers.
2. Give them the rules and a specific Monday to post.
3. Answer four questions about your creative process which lets other bloggers and visitors know what inspires you to do what you do.
Q1. What Iā€™m I working on at the moment?
Q2. How does my work differ from others in my Genre?
Q3. Why do I write or create what I do?
Q4. How does my writing/creative process work?
4. Compose a one time post on a specific Monday( date given by your nominator).

1. I feel honoured to announce the nominees for the Blog Tour Award:

Rob The V-Pub

Ritu But I Smile Anyway…

Umber The Summer Rain


2. The rules have been mentioned above. I propose Monday, 30 March 2014 as the date for you to flash the award on your blogpost.

3. Here is my answer to the questions mentioned before.

Q1. What Iā€™m I working on at the moment?
Ans: I’m working on developing my blog so that I can touch the hearts of my fellow bloggers. I am also working on my first novel.

Q2. How does my work differ from others in my Genre?
Ans: I believe in Frances Rene Chateaubriand’s wise words, ”The original writer is not the one who imitates nobody, but the one whom nobody can imitate.” Hence, I believe that my originality born out of my heart and mind offers an emotion-rich style of writing that distinguishes my work among other writers.

Q3. Why do I write or create what I do?
Ans: I write to express my thoughts and actions and, most importantly, my emotions.

Q4. How does my writing/creative process work?
Ans: Writing is not just my hobby, but, my passion. Hence, my pen flows naturally on the pages of my journal and offers me certain poems and articles to post on my blog.

4. Of the dates given by my nominator, I choose Monday, 23 March 2015, to form this one-time blogpost.
I choose Monday, 30 March 2015 for my nominees to publish the,award.


  1. Congratulations, Yashika! I truly enjoy reading your blog and I’m blessed to have met you. Thank you for nominating my blog, and I look forward to responding on March 30th!



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