I Wish…

I wish I could be with you now,
Enjoying the beauty of the sunset,
Resting my head upon your sturdy shoulder,
And pondering over how we’d met..

I wish I could be with you now,
Enjoying the snowflakes falling on my face,
Throwing snowballs at you sneakily,
And then fleeing from your mischievous chase…

I wish I could be with you now,
Filling your heart with the aroma of chicken,
Feeding you with my own loving hands,
And then taking a walk with you in the garden…

I wish I could be with you now,
Walking hand in hand in the rain,
Looking into your loving eyes,
And forgetting that I’d ever been in pain…

I wish I could be with you now,
Enjoying the serenity of the moon,
Resting against you in your loving embrace,
Knowing, I would become yours very soon…

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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